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7 Best Tips for Managing Face Masks and Hearing Loss

May 02, 2022

7 Best Tips for Managing Face Masks and Hearing Loss

Communicating effectively while face masks are worn is difficult for everyone. This is more so for those with hearing impairment. Wearing face masks not only prevents people with hearing loss from reading lips or facial expressions of others, but it also reduces the intensity of speech.

Furthermore, the earloop face masks can cause discomfort for those using behind the ear hearing aids or get tangled with hearing devices.

Scroll down to know the 7 best tips for managing face masks and hearing loss in this pandemic situation to ensure effective communication.

Employ Communication Strategies:

Ask people to speak loudly and slowly so that you can understand what he is saying. You can also request them to use short, simple sentences. If you wear hearing aids and find yourself in a noisy environment, adjust the volume up and down to get a clear sound. You can ask your audiologist to help you choose a good quality inexpensive hearing aids or hearing amplifier and adjust the device to meet your needs perfectly.

Try Clear Mask or Face Shield with Bottom Layer

Clear or transparent masks enable people with hearing issues to pick up lip-reading or facial cues, however, they are expensive and hard to find. Try to make your transparent masks and give them to those with whom you interact the most daily. A hand-made mask with a clear panel over the mouth can be a great way to ensure meaningful communication in some scenarios, but they may fog up at times.

Consider Speech to Text Apps:

These apps can help you understand the message in challenging or noisy listening environments. Pair it with a wireless microphone and move it close to the person with whom you want to communicate. Am to keep the microphone close to the source of the sound.

Rely More on Technology:

Using technology, you can overcome the issue of communicating in public efficiently. If face masks make in-person commutation difficult, use phone calls, video calls, or email extensively. Download smartphone apps that can transcribe speech using talk-to-text. You can also spend on high-end Phonak hearing aids and pair them with your cell phone, laptop, or TV for a rich, next-level sound experience. Pairing assistive learning devices like Phonak Roger Pen or microphone o your hearing equipment allow you to communicate effectively while maintaining physical distance

Carry Paper and Pen as Back-Up:

Consider carrying a piece of paper and pen with you if going out in public. You can write down your message on the paper, or you can ask the other person to pen down what he wants to say.

Write on Your Phone Notepad

Instead of paper and pen to write down what you want to communicate, use the notes app or similar app on your cell phone to type your message and show it to the other person. You can amplify the font size to enable the recipient to be read easily, even when they are at a distance.

Invest in State Of The Art Hearing Aids

Hearing aids or hearing amplifiers increase your ability to hear others with a mask. To ensure better communication and enjoy flawless sound quality, investing in a state of the art digital hearing device is a great idea. Designed meticulously, the Siemens hearing aids are available in a wide array of styles that include In the Canal, Invisible in Canal, In the Ear, as well as Behind the Ear models. Built with German technology, these high-end hearing equipment models are almost invisible, super easy to use, and don’t get pulled off or tangled when wearing or removing face masks.

Hearing aids are a boon:

Keep in mind there is no one-fit-all solution to this problem. You need to try one or a unique mix of strategies to ensure better communication while face masks are worn. However, wearing hearing aids is the most effective way to manage face masks and hearing loss efficiently as it can enhance the audibility and understanding of speech significantly. Check the features, built technology, and hearing aid prices online and consult your audiologist to get the hearing device of your choice.

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