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How is Social Distancing different for people with Hearing Aids?

May 02, 2022

How is Social Distancing different for people with Hearing Aids?

To control the spread of COVID-19, it has been advised or rather instructed to maintain social distancing. It is vital to ‘flatten the curve’, i.e. to minimize the number of people coming in contact with the Coronavirus and getting affected. Social distancing has only added to the long list of problems that people are already facing. People with hearing issues could be considered a classic case of such a scenario.

According to WHO reports, roughly 460 million people across the globe suffer from hearing loss and minor deafness. That is almost 6 % of the entire world population.

Social distancing is different for these people in the sense that, for them, this is more of a frustrating time rather than an enjoyable mini-vacation. They already have a lot on their plate and social distancing simply magnifies their problems like stress and anxiety.

With work from home in effect, the work efficiency of these people might also reduce due to the fact that telephonic conversations and video conferences wouldn’t be very smooth and isolation would result in stress and an eventual decrease in work productivity. When looking for a way to cope with stress that has already built up.

What are their problems due to social distancing?

  1. Less social interaction: While it may seem like a problem that people all over the world are facing, what needs to be understood is that people with hearing issues already feel isolated from their surroundings.
  2. Anxiety and mental discomforts: Social distancing simply adds on to the already existing anxiety. In fact, it might lead to mental discomforts arising due to increased amounts of stress and uneasiness.
  3. Mental and physical problems are connected: It is scientifically proven that problems such as anxiety, stress and trauma might lead to physical medical conditions such as heart diseases, obesity, high blood pressure and asthma.

What are the possible solutions for the same?

  1. Hearing aids compatible with smartphones: The best way to reduce the amount of stress and loneliness is by being connected to family, relatives, and close friends. Hearing aids such as the New sound hearing aid are one of the best for such a time. Smartphone compatibility allows the person to stay connected via video calls and audio calls.
  2. Plan a routine: Planning a routine helps in staying disciplined and focused. Maintaining a daily routine and following it strictly would help the mind to be calm and relaxed. A calm mind is what leads to a healthy body.
  3. Stay busy: One needs to make sure that they don’t sit idle for a long time. It is always advisable to indulge in some or the other light and fun activity to stay busy. Enjoy this time with family and avoid negative thoughts.

These simple techniques might actually help, so if any person faces such kind of problems, make sure that they follow these guidelines and help them in all ways possible.

Also, for those who might recently be developing symptoms of hearing problems, there is absolutely no need to worry at all. There are online platforms with hearing aids for sale and they are up and running, order one and they will be at your doorstep within no time. Contact an audiologist and ask for instructions; remember that it is always ‘better late than never’. What makes it even better, there are discounted hearing aids available for purchase and these are literally just one click away.

The advent of technology has been such that now there is a solution for all major problems and moreover, these problems have led to advanced solutions which probably a decade or so ago would only be imaginable. Programmable hearing aids allow the user to change the settings or control the operations of the hearing aid via their phone itself. Technology does wonders!

Stay positive, stay happy.

There is absolutely no reason to panic. Feeling trouble listening? Frustrated of isolation too? Go get yourself the best hearing aid at the most reasonable price and follow simple guidelines as mentioned above. Always remember, this too shall pass!

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