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Summer Care Tips for Rechargeable Hearing Aids

Posted by DR Paul on Aug 24, 2023

Summer Care Tips for Rechargeable Hearing Aids

Summer is upon us, and that means we need to take extra care of our rechargeable hearing aids. If used and maintained correctly, your hearing aids can last you for many years. However, summer poses a particular set of challenges that can be harmful to your hearing aids. We’re here to give you some tips on how to take care of your rechargeable hearing aids during the summer months.

Keep your hearing aids cool

Heat can damage your hearing aids, so it’s essential to keep them cool. Don’t expose them to direct sunlight or leave them in a hot car. If you’re spending time outside, keep your hearing aids in a cool, dry place, like a cooler, for example.

Stay dry

Your hearing aids are not waterproof, so it’s essential to keep them dry. Sweat from the hot weather can cause moisture to build up in your ears. Before putting your hearing aids back on, make sure your ears are dry and free of moisture.

Clean your hearing aids regularly

Cleaning your hearing aids is crucial to maintaining their lifespan. In the summer, it’s important to clean them regularly because you may be exposed to more dust and dirt. Use a dry, soft cloth to wipe away any debris. Try to avoid using water or cleaning solutions, which can damage the hearing aid. Remember to clean the charging case too.

Don't expose your hearing aids to chemicals

Sunscreen, insect repellent, and other chemicals can be harmful to your hearing aids. Try to apply these chemicals before putting on your hearing aids, and make sure they're fully absorbed before putting your hearing aids back on.

Keep your hearing aid charged

In the summer, you’ll undoubtedly be out and about more. It’s important to make sure that your hearing aids are appropriately charged before leaving the house. Carry your charger with you in case you need to recharge during the day. However, remember that leaving your hearing aids in direct sunlight can damage them. When charging your hearing aids, make sure they are in a cool, dry place.


Taking care of your rechargeable hearing aids is crucial in prolonging their lifespan. In the summer, extreme temperatures and outdoor activities can pose a challenge. Remember to keep your hearing aids cool, dry, and away from harmful chemicals. Clean your hearing aids regularly, and keep them charged. If you follow these tips, your hearing aids will be in top condition, and you will be able to enjoy all that summer has to offer!

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