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New Sound
Open Fit Hearing Aids ROCKER MINI 6 Open Fit Hearing Aid with 6 channels, 4 Programs, Multiple Band Frequency, Low Battery Warning and Rocker Switch |Natural Tan Shade, BTE Fit Rocker Mini is an open...
New Sound
ROCKER MINI 4 Open Fit Hearing Aid with 4 channels, 4 Programs, Multiple Band Frequency, Low Battery Warning and Rocker Switch |Natural Tan Shade, BTE Fit Rocker Mini is an open fit small size...
Siemens/Signia Digital Lotus FUN SP [Powerful hearing aid] 6 Channel Hearing Aid in Natural Beige Shade | Powerful Digital Sound, Behind-the-Ear [BTE] Design Fitted with the proven hearing aid...
Hear What You are Missing! The new fast p behind-the-ear hearing aid from Signia offers a high level of performance, which provides optimum amplification for severe levels of hearing loss...