Programmable Hearing Aids
Today’s world of smart technology lets us program our TV shows, lighting preferences, and even our air conditioner temperatures! So, it only makes sense that our hearing aids are programmable, too. When you’re ready to take control of your hearing, programmable hearing aids are the answer.
Personalized Solution for Mild to Moderate Hearing Loss
Those with mild or moderate hearing loss have a wide variety of hearing aid options, including more customized devices, like digital programmable hearing aids. This category of hearing aids lets you engage in telehealth and video calls, use your phone without annoying feedback or echoing, and personalize how you hear frequencies of sound.
The first hearing aid devices were a one-size-fits-most design. There was no worry about tailoring the equipment to fit a person’s ear, avoid visibility, or adjust for hearing settings. No matter what sounds were in the environment around you, you heard them all at the same level.
With programmable hearing aids, you can learn how to fine-tune your devices to adjust to the listening environment. You control the noise level and what you tune out or focus on based on your preferences.
Programmable Hearing Aids: Tailored to Your Unique Hearing Needs
Everyone’s listening lifestyle is unique to them. Yours may be laidback, quiet, and slow, or active, loud, and hectic. Your hearing aid shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all version; it should match the type of day you tend to have and be adjustable to anything different.
It can be challenging to adapt to various listening environments when your hearing aids are set to the same program all of the time. Programmable hearing aids make a difference in your ability to tune out the noise around you and focus on what you need to hear.
Shopping for programmable hearing aids online at Hear-Better puts you in charge of your listening preferences. Our trustworthy, reliable devices let you choose from customized selections that fit your needs, controlling the level of sound around you to adjust for noises like crowds, music, TV, or meetings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Programmable hearing aids enhance the quality of life of the user by optimizing the sounds around them for accurate, clear communication. Your program can be adjusted to filter out sounds in a restaurant, maximize the words when you’re listening to music, or ensure you’re focused on the conversation with those around you. With a programmable device, the user has the power to decide what they hear.
Digital hearing aids convert sound into digital signals or data that a computer evaluates and processes. They’re set to amplify noises at the right level so that soft sounds are enhanced, and louder noises come through comfortably. While there are multiple types of digital hearing aids, not all of the options are programmable.
Hearing aids can be programmed manually or automatically. In manual programming, an audiologist or other professional tests the person using the device and then uses a computer to choose the ideal settings for their hearing frequency. Automatic programming is determined by the user as they adjust options on a smartphone app or using a remote control.